Camping adventure

Friday, October 20th - Saturday, October 21st

Fun & Fellowship Outdoors!

Registration and more information are available below. Please register by October 15th to help us in making travel and food arrangements.

Who: All Men (18+)

When: Friday, October 20th – Saturday, October 21st

Where: Cherokee Rock Village – Leesburg, AL

Cost: $25 (Due Sunday, October 15th), includes campsite fee and food.

We will be carpooling from the church as pricing changes per vehicle. Please indicate below if you are willing to be a driver. Also, if you’re led to help other men with the cost of the trip, simply add your donation to your payment or designate it when you give your Sunday tithes & offerings.

For more information or if finances are an issue, please contact

Debit or Credit Card:

Click “Pay Now” and select “Men’s Camping Adventure” in the drop-down.

Cash or Check Options:

Make checks payable to “Hope Church” and note “Men’s Fall Camping Trip” in the memo. Please make sure the payment indicates who and what it is for. Drop checks or cash payments in the offering buckets during Sunday service.


Are you willing to be a driver for car pooling?

14 + 5 =