by Jessica Fields | Jan 14, 2025 | Life and Faith
“Now Moses took a tent and pitched it outside the camp, far off from the camp, and he called it the tent of meeting. Anyone who wanted to consult the Lord would go to the tent of meeting that was outside the camp. Whenever Moses went out to the tent, all the people would stand up, each at the door of his tent, and they would watch Moses until he entered the tent. When Moses entered the tent, the pillar of cloud would come down and remain at the entrance to the tent, and the Lord would speak with Moses. As all the people saw the pillar of cloud remaining at the entrance to the tent, all the people would stand and worship, each at the door of his tent. The Lord would speak with Moses face to face, just as a man speaks with his friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his assistant, the young man Joshua son of Nun, would not leave the inside of the tent.” — Exodus 33:7-11 (CSB)
The tent of meeting, as described in Exodus 33:7-11, was a place where anyone could meet with God—but the Bible specifically mentions only a few people actually going there. While anyone had access to that holy space, only some took that step forward.
The Bible says that Moses spoke with God face-to-face as one would a friend (Exodus 33:11). Moses’ unique, close relationship with God shows that the tent was more than just a physical structure—it was a space where true, intimate connection with God took place. Anyone who sought God was welcome to come to the tent of meeting, yet the Bible only specifically records that Moses went while others stood by and watched.
This brings me to a personal confession: I’ve found myself watching others grow closer to God, walking in great power, anointing, and true intimacy with Him. I’ve seen others step into places of deep relationship with God, wishing for what they had but not willing to make the effort to go into the tent myself. Whether it was laziness, distraction, or fear, I remained idle when it came to meeting God where He was waiting for me.
But change requires change. If we want to be closer to God in 2025, we must move closer to God. We must step out of the crowd and into the presence of the One who invites us. Joshua, Moses’ assistant, shows us what this looks like. Joshua didn’t just watch; he stepped in and stayed. He decided to pursue God, not merely follow Moses’ example.
Just as Joshua chose intimacy with God, we have the same choice before us. We can remain onlookers, wishing for something deeper, or we can move into God’s presence and cultivate a personal relationship with Him. The invitation stands—God waits for us to draw #Closer.
Action Challenge: Commit to stepping closer to God. If you’ve been watching from the outside, now is the time to enter the tent. A practical way to take this step is by coming to Pursuit Worship Night this Friday at 7 p.m. It’s not just a time to observe but to engage, worship, and meet with God. Change begins with the choice to draw near. Don’t just wish for more of God—take that step toward Him and experience His presence like never before.
by Jessica Fields | Jan 9, 2025 | Life and Faith
What if you could experience God’s presence not just in moments of prayer or worship, but in the mundane tasks of everyday life? Would your relationship with God grow deeper if you recognized His nearness in the simplest routines?
This year at Hope Church, we’re focusing on one word: Closer. What does it mean to draw closer to God in every part of our lives? Brother Lawrence, a 17th-century monk, offers an example of how we can pursue this. Like most of us, his life wasn’t marked by public platforms or extraordinary achievements, but by an unwavering commitment to being aware of God’s presence in everything — even while scrubbing pots and peeling potatoes.
Brother Lawrence’s journey to knowing God didn’t start with a heart close to Him. Born in France, he struggled with feelings of guilt and shame, believing he wasn’t good enough for God’s love. For years, he lived with a sense of distance from God, unsure how to draw near. His turning point came in a harsh winter, he noticed a barren tree, and the image sparked a revelation: just as the tree would bloom again, God’s grace could revive his soul. This moment awakened his desire to know God personally — not as a distant judge, but as a loving Father.
Following this, Brother Lawrence joined a monastery and served in the kitchen, where he experienced God’s presence in every task. What’s remarkable about Brother Lawrence isn’t that he stumbled into God’s presence by accident. He chose it. In the chaos of the kitchen, surrounded by noise and demands, he made a daily decision to intentionally fix his thoughts on God. He understood that closeness with God doesn’t just happen — it requires discipline and deliberate action.
In today’s fast-paced world, filled with endless distractions, the idea of experiencing God in the middle of our busy lives might seem impossible. We rush from one task to the next, and spiritual connection often feels like something we’ll “get to later.” But Brother Lawrence’s life reminds us that closeness with God doesn’t require a perfect schedule or uninterrupted hours of prayer. It requires a heart set on finding God in the time we do have — and intentionally meeting Him there.
Practicing God’s Presence
Brother Lawrence realized we don’t need special moments to draw close to God. He practiced turning his thoughts to God in everything, whether in devoted times of praying or cooking. His approach was simple: speaking to God as a friend, in every task.
Brother Lawrence wrote: “The time of business does not with me differ from the time of prayer; and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon my knees.”
It’s important to remember that practicing God’s presence in the everyday is not meant to replace devoted time in prayer, Scripture, or communal worship. It’s a way to stay connected to God in between those moments — to carry His presence with you throughout the day. But what happens on those days when you miss your quiet time? Or when life gets overwhelming, and routines are disrupted? God is still nearby.
Brother Lawrence’s practice shows us that we can still draw near to God even in life’s busiest moments — not as a replacement for devoted time, but as a lifeline that keeps us connected until we can return to those moments of deep, set-apart worship.
Think of it this way:
- If you miss a day of reading your Bible, don’t miss two.
- If your prayer time gets cut short, invite God into your next task.
- And when life feels chaotic, whisper a simple prayer: “God, I know You’re here.”
The key is intentionality — making space for both structured devotion and everyday connection. Because closeness with God requires action and discipline, but it’s sustained by grace.
How to Draw #Closer in 2025
Brother Lawrence’s story challenges us to shift how we think about God’s presence. He’s not only present during church services or Bible studies — He’s with us in the small, everyday tasks of life.
Here are three ways we can apply his lessons to grow #Closer to God this year:
- Invite God into your everyday tasks.
Whether you’re folding laundry, answering emails, or driving to work, turn those moments into conversations with God. Speak to Him about what’s on your heart, and listen for His voice in the ordinary.
- Seek God in the ordinary.
Don’t wait for a “spiritual moment” to encounter God. He’s present in the mundane. Ask yourself: How can I turn everyday tasks into acts of worship?
- Commit to simple, consistent prayers.
Brother Lawrence’s relationship with God wasn’t built on long, formal prayers. Instead, he spoke to God throughout the day in simple, heartfelt conversations. Start small. Acknowledge God’s presence as you go about your day.
by Jessica Fields | Jan 6, 2025 | Life and Faith
The word “Epiphany” means “manifestation” or “revelation.” In the Christian calendar, Epiphany marks the culmination of Christmastide and celebrates the revelation of Jesus as the Savior—not just for Israel, but for the whole world. Traditionally observed on January 6, it commemorates the visit of the Magi, who followed the star that brought them closer to the King of kings.
The Magi’s journey reminds us that drawing closer to Jesus requires more than just noticing His Great Light—it demands action. They didn’t settle for observing the star from a distance; they took steps of faith, changed their direction, and intentionally sought Him out. In Matthew 2:11 (CSB), we read, “Entering the house, they saw the child with Mary, his mother, and falling to their knees, they worshiped him.” Their response wasn’t passive. It was active—worshiping in humility and offering costly gifts that acknowledged Jesus’ kingship, divinity, and ultimate sacrifice.
Change requires change. Drawing #Closer to God in 2025 will take intentionality and discipline. It means stepping out of your comfort zone, reorienting your priorities, and taking practical steps to encounter Him in deeper ways. Discipline is simply remembering what you want. If you desire a deeper relationship with Jesus, it will require you to actively pursue Him and align your life with that desire.
The Magi didn’t find Jesus by accident—they were driven by a longing to see the Savior. Their journey was deliberate. They followed the star, adjusting their course along the way because they knew what they were seeking. In Matthew 2:2 (CSB), they declared, “We saw his star at its rising and have come to worship him.” Their focus on the end goal kept them moving forward.
Transformation doesn’t happen by standing still. Discipline keeps us moving toward what we truly desire: more of Jesus.
At Hope Church, we want to help you take action:
The revelation of Christ’s #GreatLight calls us to draw #Closer and closer to God, we find everything we need.
by Jessica Fields | Dec 4, 2024 | Christmas, Great Light
The story of Jesus isn’t a surprising twist in history—it’s the story of history. From the very beginning, God’s plan was always Jesus. Far from being an afterthought or a sequel to the Old Testament, Jesus is the fulfillment of it. Everything in Scripture, from the Law to the Prophets, pointed forward to the coming of the Messiah (Anointed One), the Great Light who would rescue us from darkness.
“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; a light has dawned on those living in the land of darkness” (Isaiah 9:2, CSB).
When Jesus declared, “Don’t think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to abolish but to fulfill.” (Matthew 5:17, CSB), He wasn’t claiming to replace God’s promises—He was completing them. The law revealed humanity’s need for salvation; the sacrifices foreshadowed a perfect, once-and-for-all offering; and the prophets proclaimed the hope of a Savior. Every detail points to Christ as the central character of the story.
The entire narrative of history pivots on the Great Light of Jesus. If you’ve ever felt like parts of your life are overshadowed by darkness—whether it’s fear, doubt, sin, or even purposelessness—it’s time to reorient your story around His.
If all of history is written to reflect the glory of Christ, then our lives should reflect Him too. We were created to live in His light, yet so often we cling to darkness. Sometimes we treat Jesus like an add-on to our lives instead of the center. But the truth is, if Jesus fulfills the story of history, then He’s also the One who can bring completion and light to your story.
During this time of Advent, as we prepare to celebrate Christmas, consider where your life might still be missing the light of Christ. What areas are overshadowed by brokenness, fear, or sin? Jesus invites us to let His story become ours—to let Him write His light into every chapter of our lives.
Here’s how to start:
- Surrender the pen. Stop trying to write your story alone. Trust that Jesus knows how to complete it better than you ever could.
- Step into the light. Don’t hide the dark corners of your life. Bring them to Jesus and let His truth and love shine in those places.
- Reflect the Light. If history is all about Jesus, then our lives should make Him known. Live in a way that reflects His goodness, grace, and truth to others.
The story of Jesus is the story of hope, redemption, and the promise that darkness doesn’t win. Let’s make His story ours, because when we live in His light, we become part of His fulfillment—part of His eternal story.
Action Step: Take time this week to read Isaiah 9:1-7 and Matthew 5:14-16. Ask God to show you areas of your life that need His light. Then pray for the courage to surrender those areas to Him.
by Jessica Fields | Jul 17, 2024 | Doctrine, Life and Faith
“Look, I have taught you statutes and ordinances as the LORD my God has commanded me, so that you may follow them in the land you are entering to possess. Carefully follow them, for this will show your wisdom and understanding in the eyes of the peoples. When they hear about all these statutes, they will say, ‘This great nation is indeed a wise and understanding people.'” – Deuteronomy 4:5-6 (CSB)
In Deuteronomy 4:5-6, Moses addresses the Israelites, reminding them of the importance of following God’s commandments as they enter the Promised Land. This passage underscores a profound truth: our adherence to God’s statutes isn’t just about obedience—it’s a testament and witness to God’s wisdom and way of doing things to the world.
Walking in wisdom according to God’s Word illuminates our path and influences those around us. When we live according to God’s ways, we are a beacon of His hope and glory. Remember, Jesus said, “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). People notice when we act with integrity, compassion, and humility. They see the difference when we make decisions rooted in Godly wisdom rather than worldly knowledge.
This call to live wisely is not confined to ancient Israel; it is a mandate for us today. Our communities, workplaces, and homes are the lands we are entering to possess. In these spaces, we have the opportunity to showcase the transformative power of God. Each act of kindness, every moment of integrity, and our commitment to justice and mercy is our testimony of the Good News of Jesus in our lives.
As we conclude our sermon series, “Illuminating the Way of Jesus,” let’s remember that evangelism is sharing the Gospel—and the Gospel is YOUR personal good news of how Jesus has transformed your life.
Here are some practical ways to live out Godly wisdom and share the Gospel:
- Show Kindness and Compassion: Extend a helping hand to those in need. Acts of kindness reflect God’s love and open doors for sharing your faith.
- Live with Integrity: Be honest and trustworthy in all your dealings. Your consistent integrity speaks volumes about the transformative power of Jesus in your life.
- Seek Peace and Reconciliation: Be a peacemaker in conflicts, striving to bring about understanding and harmony. This demonstrates the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding.
- Practice Humility: Put others before yourself and serve them with humility. This mirrors the servant heart of Jesus.
- Share Your Testimony: Be open about how Jesus has changed your life. Your personal story of transformation can inspire others to seek Him.
- Engage in Community Service: Get involved in local community projects. This not only meets practical needs but also provides opportunities to share the love of Christ.
- Pray for Others: Offer to pray for people in their times of need. This shows your faith in God’s power and your concern for their well-being.
Let’s commit to following God’s commands with diligence and love. May our lives reflect His wisdom, prompting others to see and say, “This great nation is indeed a wise and understanding people.”
Have you missed any of our Illuminating the Way of Jesus series? Watch here…