Generosity, what’s the hold up?

When we consider God’s incredible generosity, it goes beyond providing us with life and meeting our basic needs. We’re talking about an overflow of life brimming with variety, flavors, choices, and blessings. It’s a feast of goodness meant for us to enjoy and share. Being immersed in this generosity would naturally lead us to spread those blessings and live generously, right? But have you ever spent time with a bunch of little kids? If you have, you’ve witnessed it. No one needed to teach them how to snatch a coveted toy from another kid, exclaiming, “Mine!” It’s like we’re instinctively wired to be selfish.

But why do we hold back when surrounded by a world dripping with God’s generosity? What drives us toward selfishness instead of generosity? The answer: fear. Fear of lack, the unknown, and future demands. Fear of missing out. Fear that our giving might be misused or unappreciated. Yet, fear wasn’t meant to motivate us. We’re meant to be guided by God’s Spirit and His abundant faithfulness. Shifting from fear to faith takes time, beginning with remembering who provides for us.

Recently, at the dealership for an oil change, they pitched trading in my car. I love my car, and I have no plans to sell it. But they talked about “savings” and “security,” trying to convince me to upgrade for future protection. In the midst of their quick talk, I blurted, “Oh, that’s not a problem for me. I’m a follower of Jesus. I don’t live in fear of poverty or lack. God’s got me.” To be honest, the response surprised me. But it especially shocked the salesman, who was utterly taken aback. He didn’t quite know how to respond to the “God’s my provider” comeback. You see, he wasn’t aware that I had been working with God to pay off that car as quickly as possible, and in doing so, I had experienced His unwavering abundance. God’s lavish generosity had created a God-fidence (God-confidence) within me, and the fear of lacks grip had weakened its hold in my life.

The truth is, everything we have, skills, time, words, talents, passions, money it’s on loan from our Creator. While God showers us with resources, those following Jesus give them back daily, letting Him direct their use. By grasping the reality that it all belongs to God, fear loses grip. Recall Jesus’ words: “Seek the kingdom of God… all will be provided… Don’t worry about tomorrow.” (Matthew 6:33-34) Generous living for believers is about faith, not fear. We trust God as Provider. If fear holds us, we can’t receive the goodness He has. So, let’s embrace open hearts and hands, knowing God’s in control. When it’s about living generously, let’s wholeheartedly trust God and let go of fear.

Investing in Faith

Hebrews 11:6 drops a truth bomb on us: “without faith, it is impossible to please God.” Faith is the essential ingredient for a life all about Jesus. But here’s the million-dollar question: Is just having faith enough? Can the faith we’re rolling with today handle the wild ride of tomorrow? Is the same trust that ignited a spiritual spark in the past still burning as brightly today?

I hopped on the Jesus train when I was a kid. Back in those Sunday School days, with felt boards and all, my faith was mostly rainbows and sunny skies. But time’s flown, and life has thrown some curveballs that my kid-level faith just wasn’t prepared for. Those twists and turns turned into a full-on-faith workout, with each challenge providing weight and resistance. Since my first “aha” moment with Jesus (and believe me, there have been quite a few since), I’ve made withdrawals from my faith piggy bank more times than I can remember. When life got real, I had to tap into my faith stash – that’s just how life goes.

But guess what? The faith journey isn’t a one-and-done deal, frozen in time like a picture. It’s a living thing that keeps growing and changing. Its power isn’t just about showing up initially; it’s about the ongoing evolution that keeps our spiritual fire burning.

So how do we grow our faith? Check out Romans 10:17: “faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Basically, hanging out with Jesus and hearing from Him is what grows our faith. Thankfully Jesus speaks to us in all sorts of ways. His voice is in the written word of Scripture. He speaks through wisdom and encouragement from others. We’re strengthened by His continued faithfulness and presence in our daily lives. And the “aha” lightbulb moments in our hearts and spirit – yep, that’s Him too.

Jesus is in a never-ending conversation with us. He wants our faith to thrive and grow stronger at the sound of His voice. Our job? Make sure we’re listening and loading up on all the good stuff He is sharing. That way, our faith tanks stay filled, and we’re ready to live a faith-fueled life that pleases God and sets our hearts ablaze for Him.

Missed Pastor David’s message on faith? WATCH HERE

Pickles & Baptism

Baptism holds profound significance in the life of a believer and Christian community. However, as with any act of worship, it can sometimes lose its depth and become a routine and ritualistic practice. In the familiar, we may inadvertently overlook the immense power and transformation that baptism represents.

An interesting analogy comes from Nicander, an ancient Greek poet who used the culinary art of pickling vegetables to illustrate baptism’s importance. He used the Greek word “bapto” to describe dipping the vegetable into boiling water and “baptizo” for leaving it permanently immersed in vinegar. This connection is intriguing, especially considering that every occurrence of “baptism” in the New Testament uses “baptizo.”

Nicander’s use of these words vividly portrays a spiritual truth. Though you may have once been “bapto’d” or dipped into water, the reality of baptism is that when you embraced faith in Christ, you were permanently immersed in Him. Christian baptism is not a one-time event but an ongoing state of being surrounded by Christ like a vegetable forever enveloped in vinegar. And just as a pickled vegetable takes on the essence of the vinegar, our baptism into the death and resurrection of Jesus immerses us in His life, transforming us to be more Christ-like than our former selves. This transformation is not brought about by the physical act of baptism itself but by a life of faith in Jesus, empowered by His Spirit.

In Romans 6, Paul asks, “Or are you unaware that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?” Paul is not preaching the need for baptism to already dunked people. Instead, he’s encouraging them to remember its reality, even as they may be struggling with sin. He is pointing them to the truth that they are immersed in Christ; in this, they can find the power to overcome and live in faithful obedience to Him. So when you see a jar of pickles, remember baptism is not just a dip but an eternal immersion of one’s life, forever united with Christ.

Worship – It’s Simply What We Do

Last Sunday, Pastor David emphasized the significance of worship as an essential part of our Christian lives – it’s simply what we do. While it holds a central place in our faith, what makes worship truly beautiful is its diverse expressions and forms. Thankfully, our worship isn’t confined by rigid religious rules or restrictions. Instead, through Christ, we’ve been given the gift of approaching God boldly to worship Him in ways that reflect our individuality.

It’s worth noting that there’s nothing wrong with experiencing rich moments of worship and encountering God through more traditional or scripted styles, often referred to as liturgy – these can be incredibly powerful. However, what matters most is worshiping God authentically, just as we are. God desires a personal relationship with each of us, and He not only accepts but delights in the unique and personal ways we express our worship to Him.

Worship cannot be confined to a one-size-fits-all mold; it can take on various styles and formats – traditional and contemporary, elaborate or simple, scripted or spontaneous. Furthermore, it can be influenced by culture, denomination, or personal preferences. What matters to God is the genuine devotion and adoration that flows from our hearts. It’s a beautiful reflection of the love relationship between the Creator and His creation, bringing joy to God and deepening our relationship with Him.

This week, take moments to pause and engage in worship. Turn off the noise during your commute, running errands, cooking dinner, or getting ready for bed, and reflect on God’s goodness and faithfulness. Use worship music to offer your voice as a gift to God through song. You can even take a moment now to declare who God is to you. And for a creative expression of worship, try going through the alphabet, ascribing a name or characteristic to God that starts with each letter (e.g., Abundant, Beautiful, Creative, Dependable, Exalted…).

Missed Pastor David’s message from Sunday on worship? WATCH HERE

Why Pray?

Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Why do we pray? In simplest terms, it is God’s will for us in Christ. However, several distractions deter our attention and devotion to prayer. One of these distractions is the internal narratives we tell ourselves about prayer – truisms that weaken our conviction and willingness to pray.

What do I mean by truisms? They are statements that hold some truth but only in part. The actual truth often lies in the middle of the tension they present. Take, for example, the statement, “God already knows what I need.” This is indeed true to some extent, as Jesus told us, “…the Father knows what you need before you ask him” (Matt. 6:8). However, He also instructs us, “Ask, and it will be given to you…For everyone who asks receives” (Matt. 7:7-8). Herein lies the tension: while God knows our needs, we’re still instructed to ask and seek His provision.

Another truism that hinders obedience in prayer is the belief that “I am unworthy.” Although there is some truth to this notion, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Ro. 3:23). We must also consider, “it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourself, it is the gift of God” (Eph. 2:8-9). Because of this gift, we can confidently approach God’s throne, receiving even more mercy and finding grace to help in times of need (Heb. 4:16). In the tension between unworthiness and grace, we find the assurance to approach God boldly in prayer.

One of the most prevalent hindrances to our prayer life is the fear of not knowing how to pray. From the toddler struggling to get out, “God is great. God is good,” to the preacher whose words seem to call down fire, everyone has struggled with this thought. But in times that “we do not know what to pray for as we ought… the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God” (Ro. 8:26-27). In times of weakness or when we lack words, God’s Spirit bridges the gap, praying on our behalf and giving us the confidence to approach prayer with assurance. Our inadequacies are covered by the Spirit’s powerful intercession.

When we pray, we make waves, creating a ripple effect in the natural and supernatural that leads to changes in ourselves and life’s situations. This is why we pray constantly and confidently, knowing that our prayers are powerful and effective in bringing about God’s purposes in our lives and the world around us.

Missed Pastor David’s message from Sunday on prayer? WATCH HERE