Closer: Don’t Just Watch
“Now Moses took a tent and pitched it outside the camp, far off from the camp, and he called it the tent of meeting. Anyone who wanted to consult the Lord would go to the tent of meeting that was outside the camp. Whenever Moses went out to the tent, all the people...
Closer: Practicing God’s Presence
What if you could experience God’s presence not just in moments of prayer or worship, but in the mundane tasks of everyday life? Would your relationship with God grow deeper if you recognized His nearness in the simplest routines? This year at Hope Church, we’re...
Epiphany: A Closer Revelation
The word “Epiphany” means “manifestation” or “revelation.” In the Christian calendar, Epiphany marks the culmination of Christmastide and celebrates the revelation of Jesus as the Savior—not just for Israel, but for the whole world. Traditionally observed on January...
Spreading the Light
We can see throughout the Bible how God uses the contrast of light and darkness to tell us about Himself and what is good or evil. It starts in Genesis when God speaks light into existence. His light lives within all believers of our Lord Christ Jesus. The prologue in...
Be the Light in the New Year
Two thousand and twenty-four years ago, a brilliant star shone above Bethlehem in the darkness of a long night. It was a sign of the fulfillment of God’s very first promise to man—to crush the head of the serpent—and the greatest evidence of His longsuffering...
Conquering Light: Stand Firm in Christ’s Victory
God is light. We hear this all the time as part of our normal “Christian-ese.” Even people who aren’t believers say things during others’ hard times, such as “sending you love and light” and “sending light your way.” But there is one true source of all light. What IS...
Conquering Light: A Mission Beyond Our Salvation
While we often view Jesus’ primary mission on Earth as securing our salvation, His work went far beyond simply redeeming humanity. His time on the cross and His ministry before it revealed a much greater purpose. He came not only to bear the penalty for sin but also...
Redeeming Light: Who I Am Is Found In Whose I Am
In the world, there shines a light—the redeeming light of Jesus Christ. When we come to Jesus, we are invited to step out of the shadows of sin into the brilliant, transformative light that only He can provide. This light is the key to a new identity—one grounded in...
Jesus – Our Redeeming Light
Where to start? Probably best to start at the beginning… “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was...
Redeeming Light: Preparing for Jesus
I am sitting at my desk writing this short essay for the Hope Church Advent series. So, I have been thinking about my very limited experience with Advent. As a child, I attended a small Southern Baptist church. It was a long time ago. As far as I remember, Advent was...
Revealing Light: Freedom From Expectations
I’ve been in counseling for the past three months. At the beginning of 2024, the Lord prompted me to take that step. I went to one session, was fully open and honest with my counselor, but then I got scared and didn’t return. I’ve had deep-rooted patterns in my life...
Revealing Light: Like Father, Like Son
Famines, earthquakes, wars, and rumors of war—how could God allow such things? “My brother, a totally innocent man, was brutally murdered at the age of twenty. I could never worship a god who would allow that to happen, if that god exists at all. You say your god is a...