Famines, earthquakes, wars, and rumors of war—how could God allow such things?
“My brother, a totally innocent man, was brutally murdered at the age of twenty. I could never worship a god who would allow that to happen, if that god exists at all. You say your god is a loving god. Look around. I see the total opposite. I will not worship any god like that.”
These words were fired at a pastor friend of ours who was trying to lead a young man into a relationship with Jesus. His response, full of compassion and bold truth, was both brilliant and inspired.
“I don’t blame you for feeling like you do. What happened to your brother is horrible and tragic. But let me ask you this: You know what would be even worse? Your brother is in heaven and can’t wait for the day you and he are reunited. But you won’t be there because you’re mad at a god you have misjudged.”
How can we know what God is really like? Jesus said, “The one who has seen Me has seen the Father. I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me.”John 14:9, CSB
A study of the character of Jesus could fill more pages than there are books on earth. We know Him to be kind, merciful, loving, patient, forgiving, sacrificial, compassionate, humble, truthful, and peaceful. Not to mention all-knowing and all-powerful. He even has a sense of humor! Best of all, He calls us to be His friend.
So, what is Jesus like? Let’s examine just one instance for some insight.
In Matthew chapter 8, Jesus has spent a long day ministering to the people. He gets in a boat despite the severe weather coming. He calms the storm (!) and crosses the sea to a Gentile region, where He casts a legion of demons out of a desperate, dangerous man. We have read this passage many times. Ho-hum.
But notice: Jesus poured Himself out. When we hear of the sacrifice of Christ, we think immediately about His torturous death. But He sacrificed Himself daily for us. Did He demand veneration or even reciprocity? No.
Did the demonic man ask to be delivered? Not that we know of. Jesus took the initiative, making an arduous journey to save someone considered an outsider—the most despicable man in the region. And when He is asked to leave, He complies.
Remember, Jesus said, “The Son can do nothing by Himself; He can do only what He sees the Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.”John 5:19, CSB
So, in this passage alone, we learn the Father loves us when we are unlovable. He seeks us out and ministers to our needs. And He does so in miraculous ways. He doesn’t force Himself on us but respects our wishes.
There are two ways of looking at the world:
We can (mis)judge God by what we see and evaluate Him based on our interpretation of earthly events. Sadly, this is what most of us do.
Or we can interpret worldly events knowing that God is sovereign and that He works all things for my good and the good of those who love Him. We can have faith in the God who has revealed Himself to us through Jesus and trust Him in all things at all times.
This season, take some time to get to know God better. Pause. Open His Word. Soak, linger, meditate in a single passage. Ask Him to show you what He longs for you to know about Him. He is waiting for you and yearns for time with you more than you yearn for time with Him.
The eternity He promises us is far beyond our grasp, but we know it will be glorious! The main reason we can celebrate our salvation is because we will get to be with Him. Forever.
The alternative is unthinkable. Think about it. Is there someone you will see this Christmas that needs to know God for who He really is, and not the vindictive, judgmental, arbitrary god they hear about? Wouldn’t it be tragic if someone you love won’t be in heaven because they are mad? Or simply ill-informed? Another perspective, a paradigm shift lovingly presented—could be the greatest gift of all.
This Christmas, as we celebrate the Great Light, consider offering the greatest gift to someone else: the truth about the Father who loves them deeply—introduce them to Jesus.
Well, it’s that time of year once again! The beauty of the Christmas holiday, where parents and children hustle to and froe, setting up decorations while purchasing presents for parties and gift exchanges. Gorgeous light displays characterize and colorize the festive atmosphere. Yet, despite all the LIGHTS, LIGHTS EVERYWHERE, something deeper is missing. These decorative lights may stimulate our senses, but they fail to enlighten our hearts and souls. There is, however, a true Light, eternal in nature, which brings eternal life, hope, deliverance, and ultimate fulfillment. That true Light is Jesus the Messiah, our Lord and King!
Jesus made many eternal and rock-solid claims concerning His identity and purpose. Two out of the numerous audaciously righteous claims are found in Matthew 5:17 and John 8:12. In the former text in Matthew’s gospel, the Lord declares, “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to FULFILL” Matthew 5:17 (CSB). This statement is pivotal because it shows that Jesus is the culmination of God’s promises, not the rejection of them. The latter text shows Jesus declaring Himself as the Light of the world, causing all who follow Him to not live in darkness. This is a bold claim, one that demands our attention—Jesus is not just a part of our story; He is the Light that leads us out of darkness.
If we further investigate, we will find these realities highlighted in key Messianic prophecies found in the Old Testament. One of these texts is Isaiah 9:1-2 (CSB):
‘But there will be no more gloom for her who was in anguish; in earlier times He treated the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali with contempt, but later on He shall make it glorious, by the way of the sea, on the other side of Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles. The people who walk in darkness will see a great light; those who live in a dark land, The Light will shine on them.’
Interestingly enough, this same prophetic text is quoted in Matthew 4:14-16. In fact, everywhere throughout the gospels, whenever Old Testament Scriptures are cited, the writers show how Jesus fulfilled that specific prophecy.
One may ask, “What does all this mean and what relevance does it have for me?” It’s very simple. It means everything: EVERYTHING Jesus claimed concerning Himself is true. HE IS THE LIGHT BRINGING ETERNAL LIFE TO OUR SOULS, and He is the fulfillment of EVERY promise meticulously laid out in all Scripture! PRAISE GOD AND BLESSED BE THE NAME OF JESUS! We can surrender our lives and beings to Him and His Lordship. We can totally trust in His faithfulness and devotion to us as His beloved people, the children of the Living God.
As we enter the Christmas season, may the LORD remind us that He was zealously faithful to His first advent, paying the ultimate price for our sins. He is equally zealous for His second advent, fully establishing our redemption and His kingdom. Grow closer in your union and devotion to Jesus in your everyday life. This will cause you to be a radiant light for Christ in a dark world desperately searching for life and meaning. The world needs to see the real Jesus, the One who passionately loves them and VIOLENTLY keeps His covenant promises to His people.
So, this Advent, let’s reflect on the true Light that has come. Take a moment to pause, breathe, and let the Light of Christ illuminate your heart anew. Happy Advent and welcome, Lord Jesus! AMEN!
The story of Jesus isn’t a surprising twist in history—it’s the story of history. From the very beginning, God’s plan was always Jesus. Far from being an afterthought or a sequel to the Old Testament, Jesus is the fulfillment of it. Everything in Scripture, from the Law to the Prophets, pointed forward to the coming of the Messiah (Anointed One), the Great Light who would rescue us from darkness.
“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; a light has dawned on those living in the land of darkness” (Isaiah 9:2, CSB).
When Jesus declared, “Don’t think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to abolish but to fulfill.” (Matthew 5:17, CSB), He wasn’t claiming to replace God’s promises—He was completing them. The law revealed humanity’s need for salvation; the sacrifices foreshadowed a perfect, once-and-for-all offering; and the prophets proclaimed the hope of a Savior. Every detail points to Christ as the central character of the story.
The entire narrative of history pivots on the Great Light of Jesus. If you’ve ever felt like parts of your life are overshadowed by darkness—whether it’s fear, doubt, sin, or even purposelessness—it’s time to reorient your story around His.
If all of history is written to reflect the glory of Christ, then our lives should reflect Him too. We were created to live in His light, yet so often we cling to darkness. Sometimes we treat Jesus like an add-on to our lives instead of the center. But the truth is, if Jesus fulfills the story of history, then He’s also the One who can bring completion and light to your story.
During this time of Advent, as we prepare to celebrate Christmas, consider where your life might still be missing the light of Christ. What areas are overshadowed by brokenness, fear, or sin? Jesus invites us to let His story become ours—to let Him write His light into every chapter of our lives.
Here’s how to start:
Surrender the pen. Stop trying to write your story alone. Trust that Jesus knows how to complete it better than you ever could.
Step into the light. Don’t hide the dark corners of your life. Bring them to Jesus and let His truth and love shine in those places.
Reflect the Light. If history is all about Jesus, then our lives should make Him known. Live in a way that reflects His goodness, grace, and truth to others.
The story of Jesus is the story of hope, redemption, and the promise that darkness doesn’t win. Let’s make His story ours, because when we live in His light, we become part of His fulfillment—part of His eternal story.
Action Step: Take time this week to read Isaiah 9:1-7 and Matthew 5:14-16. Ask God to show you areas of your life that need His light. Then pray for the courage to surrender those areas to Him.
Baby Jesus Christmas by Art in Mind Creative Wellness Studios
Giving and receiving a gift is often way more complicated than it should be. When giving a gift, many thoughts come to mind: “What if they don’t like it?” “What if they don’t give me a gift?” “What if they already have it”? “What if they don’t want it”? These are all valid thoughts that we may have when we are on the side of giving gifts.
In addition to giving a gift, receiving a gift carries many challenges for the recipient: “I already have this.” “I do not need this.” “How much did this cost?” “Did you even put thought into this gift?” Why does giving and receiving gifts have to be so difficult?
Giving and receiving gifts is such a significant practice throughout generations. We are created as humans in the image of God with the same characteristics as our Heavenly Father. God the Father is the greatest gift giver of all time. The thought of the Father and His Son dwelling with one another in the midst of perfection is unfathomable. In all the glory, perfection, beauty, and awesome qualities of being in the presence of one another, there was still something they were missing. How could something be missing? What could possibly be desired by the triune God Himself? It was me and you.
I love that the Father was not only desiring us, but He acted upon His desire by sending His precious Son, Jesus, to be born of a virgin. What an incredible gift that the Father has given us in Jesus, and I am overwhelmed with thanksgiving that the Father has bestowed upon us such a gift.
A gift is such a beautiful symbol of receiving something that is not earned. Scripture says in Romans 6:23,
“For the wages of sin is death, but the FREE gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.”
If we received what we earned, then we would receive death. However, the promise is that we are given eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. So, what gift did Jesus bring?
Three major focus points of what Jesus has bestowed upon us:
He gave us the gift of eternal life to all who believe. He gave us a way by bearing the weight of not only our sins but the burdens of life, knowing we could not handle the difficulties of this world on our own. He gave up being in the form of God and became the most vulnerable form of creation, a baby.
He gave us the gift of redemption. What a powerful concept being redeemed is. Redemption is the act of gaining possession of something in exchange for a payment or clearing a debt. He completely cleared the slate of our filthiness and made us righteous before Him. He turned death to life, despair into hope, mourning into rejoicing, emptiness into fullness, loneliness into an unconditional relationship, and chaos into peace. He changed the outcome.
He gifted us with a choice. He has allowed us to choose His life, now, with Him, and in a way, we choose what our life looks like in following Him. He has given us the gift to choose who we want to follow, where we want to go, and what we want our results to be. Just as Jesus chose to come into this world, bringing God to Us – Immanuel, but also us to God, in uniting with us in our humanity. He has given all people a choice and opportunity to be with Him forever.
I am grateful I do not have to question what the gift of Jesus cost. I am joyful and overwhelmed to know that God thought about me when He sent Jesus to be born. I am merry to know that God knew exactly what I needed as a human because He humbled Himself in human form, experiencing and overcoming life on earth. What a beautiful gift Jesus is and has given!
Father, thank you for your precious Son. Thank you for the gift of Jesus. Jesus, you are the greatest gift. I am in awe of who you are. Thank you, Jesus, for your obedience and humility in taking the form of a human. Thank you for allowing us to relate to you. I am grateful for the gifts that you never stop giving. I thank you that these gifts are not only for me but for everyone. Help me to share the greatest gift, You, Jesus, with the people in my life? I love you, Jesus. Thank you!!!
During my childhood, Nana had a heartwarming tradition. Once the house was decorated for Christmas and the nativity scene was up, she would playfully move the wise men (Magi) around the house until Christmas Day, when they would be at the manger. Although this is a sweet memory to look back on, it makes me wonder, outside of the nostalgia, what is it God wants us to see in the Magi’s journey?
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the East came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” (Matthew 2:1-2)
The Magi’s journey, much like my Nana’s tradition, mirrors the spiritual journey of all believers—the path to Christ. Just as the Magi set out to follow a star on a quest to find the newborn King, our spiritual journey had a beginning. It may have started with curiosity or a desire for purpose; either way, that spark of light caught our attention. The Magi moving through the house reminds us that the search for God begins from a distance, but it is a journey worth undertaking.
The journey of the Magi was not straightforward; it involved challenges and moments of uncertainty. Just like our own spiritual journeys are often marked by twists and turns, it requires patience and faith to persevere, trusting God to guide us along the way, just as the star guided the Magi. Moving the Magi through the house also reminds us of our need to trust in God’s guidance despite obstacles we encounter.
It is important to note that these were not Jewish men; they were scholars and astrologers from the East, known for their wisdom and study of the heavens. They observed a new star rising in the night sky, a celestial sign of unparalleled significance. This star was the harbinger of hope, beckoning them to seek the newborn King. When the Magi finally reached Jesus, they bowed and worshiped Him, offering gifts to the Christ child. This is it. This is what all the travel, perseverance, and dedication had been for, reaching Jesus. In our own spiritual journey, the destination is encountering Christ. It is there where we find true meaning and fulfillment. And when we arrive at our destination, at the feet of Jesus, like the Magi, we offer our lives in worship and surrender to the Savior.
Nana’s tradition of moving the Magi now makes me think of how our path to Christ is transformative. Each step towards Him changes us, making us more like Him in the process. It’s a reminder that we are shaped and molded by our pursuit of Jesus. The Magi’s journey speaks to us of patience, worship, and surrender, not based on our culture or upbringing. No, it is based on our seeking.
Father, as we think of our Christmas traditions and ponder the Magi, remind us of the importance of seeking, being guided, and following the path. Teach us patience, Lord, and help us to trust You when we face obstacles along the way. And as we travel with You, each day growing closer to You, help us to surrender to worship. During this Christmas season, Thank You for the sweet memories and all the ways You speak to your children. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Three Kings, 1949 by Edmund Lewandowski (American, 1914-1998)
Reflecting on the Christmas story, particularly the account of the wise men, initially seemed relatively straightforward. These intelligent individuals arrived at the manger, guided by an unusual star, presenting three significant gifts—gold, frankincense, and myrrh—to baby Jesus, whom they worshipped then and there, right?
However, digging deeper reveals intriguing possibilities and some outright errors in the timeline, making the story of the wise men even more amazing:
First, contrary to common belief, these figures weren’t kings. Rather, they were close advisors to kings. They were indeed men of intelligence, or “wise,” leading some to believe they were astronomers, learned men of a priestly class, and perhaps even astrologers! Remember, there were no Apple Watches back then—so people relied on the sun, moon, and stars to tell them the times and seasons. Could God have spoken to them in that “language” they knew and understood to guide them to Jesus?
Secondly, and quite remarkably, they were Gentiles! Their culture may not have normalized hearing from God. Nevertheless, they might have been acquainted with the words from the prophet Daniel,
“I continued watching in the night visions, and suddenly, one like a son of man was coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was escorted before him. He was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, so that those of every people, nation, and language should serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will not be destroyed.” (Daniel 7:13-14).
Or maybe they knew the prophecy from Numbers,
“I see him, but not now; I perceive him, but not near. A star will come from Jacob, and a scepter will arise from Israel. He will smash the forehead of Moab and strike down all the Shethites.” (Numbers 24:17).
Thirdly, they came from the East. Followers of Eastern teachings believe in divine revelation from the gods, often deriving insights from celestial cues that influenced events on Earth. Many actively sought these signs, eager to witness their fulfillment firsthand. Scholars propose that these wise men likely originated from either Arabia or Persia. Those leaning toward Arabia associate it with the valuable gift of myrrh, which was a prized product from the region (more valuable than gold!). Conversely, proponents of Persia suggest these men belonged to the same order as the “magicians, enchanters, astrologers, and diviners” mentioned in Daniel 5, where the prophet Daniel held authority.
Regardless of their specific origin, Matthew 2:1 tells us they came from the East, marking them as the first documented Gentiles to worship Jesus! Their journey to the newborn King would likely have spanned weeks if not months! Given the distance they had to travel and the fact that the Bible does not say they came to the manger but to “the place where the child was” (Matt. 2:9), they probably arrived in Nazareth when Jesus was approximately one year old.
Lastly, while it was customary to present extravagant gifts to leaders, with the expectation of reciprocation, the gifts of the Magi carried greater spiritual meaning. Gold symbolized royalty, frankincense represented deity, and myrrh, used in anointing oil and embalming, foreshadowed Christ’s sacrificial death. Their gifts revealed a deeper understanding and belief in who Jesus was! These wise worshippers’ gifts provided Mary and Joseph with resources to travel to Egypt, where they remained until Herod’s death. And even though the Magi went home without a reciprocated tangible gift, God granted them the invaluable gifts of protection and safety through a dream, guiding them to avoid Herod and take an alternative route.
There may be servants of God in places where we should not expect to find them.
There is usually more to the story, making its meaning more profound and impactful. God is a God of detail. He does not do anything by chance.
The Gentile Magi came to worship the newborn King, while the Jewish priests and king did not.
The gifts presented were acts of worship and important to God. They demonstrated respect, honor, and acknowledgment of Jesus’ true identity, and the Magi worshipped Him accordingly.
Things to ponder:
What would be an appropriate gift for you to bring to Jesus this season?
Will you give God permission to work in your life in unusual ways, knowing His ways are best?
In what ways can you utilize the gifts God has given you as gifts to share with others?