The story of Jesus isn’t a surprising twist in history—it’s the story of history. From the very beginning, God’s plan was always Jesus. Far from being an afterthought or a sequel to the Old Testament, Jesus is the fulfillment of it. Everything in Scripture, from the Law to the Prophets, pointed forward to the coming of the Messiah (Anointed One), the Great Light who would rescue us from darkness.

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; a light has dawned on those living in the land of darkness” (Isaiah 9:2, CSB).

When Jesus declared, Don’t think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. (Matthew 5:17, CSB), He wasn’t claiming to replace God’s promises—He was completing them. The law revealed humanity’s need for salvation; the sacrifices foreshadowed a perfect, once-and-for-all offering; and the prophets proclaimed the hope of a Savior. Every detail points to Christ as the central character of the story.

The entire narrative of history pivots on the Great Light of Jesus. If you’ve ever felt like parts of your life are overshadowed by darkness—whether it’s fear, doubt, sin, or even purposelessness—it’s time to reorient your story around His.

If all of history is written to reflect the glory of Christ, then our lives should reflect Him too. We were created to live in His light, yet so often we cling to darkness. Sometimes we treat Jesus like an add-on to our lives instead of the center. But the truth is, if Jesus fulfills the story of history, then He’s also the One who can bring completion and light to your story.

During this time of Advent, as we prepare to celebrate Christmas, consider where your life might still be missing the light of Christ. What areas are overshadowed by brokenness, fear, or sin? Jesus invites us to let His story become ours—to let Him write His light into every chapter of our lives.

Here’s how to start:

  1. Surrender the pen. Stop trying to write your story alone. Trust that Jesus knows how to complete it better than you ever could.
  2. Step into the light. Don’t hide the dark corners of your life. Bring them to Jesus and let His truth and love shine in those places.
  3. Reflect the Light. If history is all about Jesus, then our lives should make Him known. Live in a way that reflects His goodness, grace, and truth to others.

The story of Jesus is the story of hope, redemption, and the promise that darkness doesn’t win. Let’s make His story ours, because when we live in His light, we become part of His fulfillment—part of His eternal story.

Action Step: Take time this week to read Isaiah 9:1-7 and Matthew 5:14-16. Ask God to show you areas of your life that need His light. Then pray for the courage to surrender those areas to Him.