spiritual help
God is an ever present help in time of need. He cares for you.prayer request
Need someone to stand in agreement with you? We love to pray! Submit your prayer requests here.
what does the Bible say about?
Aging Children Church Courage Decisions Depression Faith Faithfulness of God Finances Forgiveness Freedom Future Healing Hope Grace Guidance Heaven Identity Integrity Joy Love of God Love for others Loneliness Marriage Mercy Protection Provision Position with God Purpose Righteousness Single Security Self Worth/Human Value Sharing your Faith Trusting God Truth Will of God Worry Work
Yes you can understand your Bible!
Have you ever been confused when you sat down to read your Bible? Feel overwhelmed by where to start or even understanding what is happening? This video series by David Loehr & Jessica Fields walks you through the story of the Bible.
Click the button to see the entire playlist or the video below to start with the first video of the series.
“the Netflix of Discipleship” A free resource for the people of Hope Church. To get your login, email us.
Already have a login? Access Right Now Media here:
We are super excited to link this. The Bible Project is a non-profit, creating videos that walk through the narrative of the Bible. They do this book-by-book and theme-by-theme.
Careful this is binge watching for sure!
Bible Study Resources
Take the 30 day challenge to read the words of Jesus. As you read ask yourself these questions: What do these verses tell me about God and what is my response and/or responsibility to this. Start challenge here.
Blue Letter Bible– A Comprehensive Bible Study website.
Books of the Bible Descriptions– Brief description of all the books of the Bible.
Hope Faith Prayer– Great resource of multiple articles and multiple authors.
great websites
You Version Bible website & app
Create a login and get access to thousands of free devotionals, Bible reading plans and hundreds of Bible translations
This is their mission: Recover the treasure of the Gospel, Transform the lives of men and women, Teach men and women to walk with God, While living it ourselves, Equip men to rescue others, Blogs, videos, and personal specific prayers, and also a separate section for men and women.
Joyce Meyer is an amazing Bible teacher. Her transparent, honest, and real-life style is wonderfully refreshing. This is her daily devotional.
This powerful series portrays Jesus selecting His disciples and launching His ministry. We highly recommend!