“Who are you?” It’s a question we often encounter in various settings, whether at a social gathering or during a new encounter. These moments can be awkward, as we’re expected to share a little about ourselves. Personally, I’m not fond of these situations. The typical responses of sharing your name, relationship status, and job fail to genuinely convey who anyone is.

In a world that encourages superficial labels and surface-level introductions, losing sight of our true identity is easy. We are much more than a mere collection of facts or the roles we play in society. I once heard it said that if something can be taken away from you, then it is not your true identity. When we run our “tell us about yourself” answers through the “can this be taken away from me” filter, it becomes pretty revealing what we find our identity in.

Where we live, our jobs, possessions, interests, and hobbies are excluded from the equation. The popular notion that identity is based on feelings and emotions unravels when we realize how easily they can change. Even something as simple as skipping a meal can make someone feel like a different person. Identities found in human relationships, such as being a parent or spouse, often prove fragile when faced with the passage of time, the departure of children from home, the breakdown of marriages, or when unforeseen tragedies occur.

This is the gift of finding our identity in Christ. Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” The eternal consistency of Jesus serves as an unwavering assurance of who we truly are. No matter how noble it may seem, identity in anything else will always be unstable. If it is fluid, it is inherently unstable. And if it is unstable, it will not withstand the assaults of an enemy who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy us. Therefore, we must look to Christ, and Christ alone, to discover our true selves. This week, take some time to reflect upon the unstable descriptors you tend to use to define yourself. Ask God to speak and reveal how He identifies you. Pay attention to any new descriptions that the Holy Spirit may bring to light.